Welcome to Ascendent   Ascendent is part of a larger company group established in 1994. A domain of the company group is printing, managing and archiving documents. The increased demand for high quality services performed by Archiving department and its rapid growing resulted the establishment of a new legal entity, a company fully dedicated to archiving services. The success story of the former Archiving department continues since 2008 in the company called “Sc Ascendent  Srl”. The facts listed below explain why customers prefer Ascendent: 20+ years experience in archiving and document management certified service provider:  Ascendent  is one of the very few companies in Romania that have al...



Ascendent official details:

Company name: S.C. ASCENDENT S.R.L.

Registration number: J19/650/2008

Managers:  Enikő Ivácson and   Beáta Ivácson

Address: 535400 Cristuru-Secuiesc,   

Str. Fabricii nr. 14,

Jud. Harghita,   Romania

Tel: +40-744-820-030

E-mail: office@arhivaascendent.ro, ascendentarhiva@gmail.com, 

arhivaascendent.ro/servicii/utilizare - depunerea cererii de adeverinta prin intermediul pagina web

Website: wwww.arhivaascendent.ro

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